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8:46 PM

this is my p5 class foto:
p5 camp class
i look gay here in some lame-ass bonding activity, look at yao chong of 2L=D:
gay me

however, even more gay, edward:
retard edward


18 February 2008
-=the perfect day to die=-

6:23 PM

lol.. today was as any other day.. other then a math test(killer) and TY getting my lame juices flowing again=D
Incidentally, in the morning, chun and some other guys ka-chiow the 2N cheena boi, the gay-ass violent bitch.. And found some kind of rotten bread in the bin(LJB), tossed it around.
The math test i never do whole question 4(6 marks):P sure cannot get A1.. i think will get 25, which is B4, although I have never gotten B4 B4...
anw.. heres a taster of the lame jokes thrown about like grenades in baghdad..

Q: Two expeditors explored an ancient china village when one fell into a water hole, the other asked concernedly, "how are you?" how did the fallen one reply?
A: All is well
Q: What do you call a very successful miner/blacksmith?
A: A smashing success
Q: Why was the skinless orange so sad?
A: he no longer had a-peel
Q: Which 2 games did the Germans play with Jewish POWs?
A: gas and check & gas who
Q: What do you calla Jewish ghost?
A: Jew-on
Q: Why do prisoners always so 长文说短?
A: They want to get their sentences shortened...
those were mine.. which weren't so bad if u heard TK's ones:
Q: What happens when Esso does very well?
A: Shell-shocked
Q: What do You call a singer's song about a bachelor hit by a car?
A: A hit single..
Q: which actor acts as a female maid that sings?
A: Girlmaid Sing

Lame la, TK


-=the perfect day to die=-

10:41 PM

wtf thursday had to see joseph tan... ur shld noe what happened with liow can.. he said if i had any other breach of conduct i won't only lose captaincy.. but will tio kik out of canoeing to a talent-less CCA (like choir or scouts).. sad :/
next week 5 teest (wht the fuck).. got to do last minute crap.
today was boring, went to help gay glen bring stuff from coro he buy to donate to scouts CAN(hahaha, he went too) food.. bought Devil May Cry Special Ed at the same way.. it is SO TOTALLY COOL!!!!
and CB, if i ever find out who spam SOMEONE"s blog i love you use my name 20+ times i will so kik ur balls(serious)


15 February 2008
-=the perfect day to die=-

9:58 PM

haven't posted for like 2+ months... i was mugging(yea right=D)...
so this week I went bak to nyps monday to wednesday.. had an actually fun time, will try to appeal to be able to go again next year for more CIP and to mix with future alumni;)..
on Monday, we basically got to know each other(as in my group, a coach(or a group leader watever u call it) from RJC and me)... we actually felt abit awkward at first.. when we were supposed to come up with some group name, cheer and mascot, our group lag like shit.. i knew from then that my group was a bunch of retards and losers..
after lots of shouting and talk-backs, we left for the stupid east coast to play some lame ice breaker games.. my group screwed up(with me shouting myself hoarse).. cos my group had a variety of emos(jun peng), faggots(a p6 wei yuan who whined when i showered him with grass), sickos(a tiny but cute kenneth and jun peng) ,some true-blue leaders and a bitchy irritating lame-assed ostrasised girl(annabelle).. these guys i was supposed to take care of for the next 2 days.. initially, i THOUGHT my group was doomed. then after more acivities togetherin the following days, i KNEW we were uber-screwed=/
on the second day we went sentosa, where jun peng and the kenneth got me to teach them much sick stuff.. they then used their knowledge to formularize their own swear-words to use on their classmates.. that night was some kind of fake campfire in de school hall, it was boring, really boring.. will upload some pics later of mr pang dancing=D..
third day nothing much.. just went to pasir ris park and did stupid stuff.. my group and i parted tearfully....... JK, got u there didn't I;)?? they actually just asked me go back visit them on CNY eve.. guess i will unless friends going lan.
so from the camp i brought back fond memories of laughing at lame jokes, making friends and an especiallly fond memory of "this someone"...
and our class has this necessary(?) cycle. on friday, our class thrashes the class after some chena test, ting xie and much telling-offs.. then on monday, some teacher will invariably come in and scold us on the state of the class room and some other random stuff (results, bullying or random crap).. then a massive clean=up will commence, leaving the class in an incredibly spotless state(haha). then every following day it will get dirtier, dirtier and dirtier, then on friday after school ends, the cycle begins again... wat can I say?? 2o ROCKS!!!
and on a brighter note, wei yuan SUCKS!!!!!! =D=D=D
so.. on an even lighter note, let's say: wei yuan SUCKS!!!


02 February 2008
-=the perfect day to die=-

10:04 PM

lol.. yesterday suddenly had a vommitting spell.. really feeling shitty.. apparently i had some crap-ass stomach inflamation(wat the hell is that?)
and i think many have heard of the 3 cockasians tormenting this old trishaw rider? yea.. really disgraceful, this exhibits the cockasian's better-than-u attitude.. of cousre, it would be (f)unfair to create this stereotype of cockasians.. after all, singaporeans have their own black sheeps.. like the cabies who try to scam tourists here.. i really hate taxi drivers.. they always cause accidents, i have so far been in 2 accidents involving a damned taxi driver. they always suddenly stop around bends of roads if someone is flagging them down there, making the car behind have to brake really quickly..

anyways.. heres somemore crap-jokes..
Q:why must guards always wear watches?
A:cos they're watchmen!!
Q:what did the watch that the surgeon accidentally left in the patient say to the patient?
A:i'm watch-in you!
Q:wat do bags use to style their hair?
Q:whats did the poor bag say to the rich one?
A:i'm bagging u!!


01 November 2007
-=the perfect day to die=-

9:55 PM

bad hair day:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
sitting on a tree?
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Rapist rape rapist(RRR)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


26 October 2007
-=the perfect day to die=-

9:37 PM

lol, havent been updating for lont itmy... maple is really addictive..
anyways, ispark nite was damned fun.. after some crappy briefings and exco selections(glendon didnt win!! HAHAHAHAHA).. some of us(tk, meng, shiny, TY and I) went to play computer... we went KAP first, during which TK cracked one after one uber-uber-uber-lame jokes.. worse that my farTY joke.. take this for example: hey, TY, tim, u 2 later going to play SEE ASS 1.6? then he bends down and atares intensely at TY's butt for a few seconds.. OR this:(at a pedestrain crossing, the green man is on) then he points at it and says: walau, flasher!
wat crap..
then when we started, we played CS(not see ass) for abt 40 hours, during which TK displayed his gay skills.. TY, shiny and Tk are same team, and Meng and I terrorists..
tk at first aimed above head cos he thought that recoil would make his aim MORE ACCURATE!!! then he realised he was wrong and tried the exact opposite.. he aimed below legs cos he thought recoil would let him head shot.. but by the tim ehe had leveled his gun on opponent, the opponent(lvl 1 bot) would have blown him away..
then we went back school for the stupid concrt.. only one was good lo, and damass LJ kept bloking me.. the itmes were all damned lame with many one-liner jokes from the emcees(MCs says strahan).. tk's cute shirt:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
then came the fun part, we went to KKH to sleep with the rest. we played soccer, DM, taiti(dunno how spell) then went to sleep after krissy told us a few ghost stories, quite entertaining..
it was basically a fun day


-=the perfect day to die=-

6:18 PM

resuming maple. now lvl 14.. yay, a bowman..
more lame jokes:
Q:why is it that ghosts come up with the stupidest ideas?
A:because they always come up with 鬼主意

Q:why are the numbers 1,5,17 and 21 so wierd?
A:cos they're odd numbers!!

anywys, darells gay to like justin timberlake he really sucks at singing
k then..


20 October 2007
-=the perfect day to die=-

10:25 AM

for the benifit of those retards who missed this:
presenting.. the Kirby dance

Kirby: *applause*

Kirby: <(' . ')>

Kirby: (>' . ')>

Kirby: <(' . '<)

Kirby: (>' . '<)

Kirby: <(' . ')>

Kirby: v(' . ')v

Kirby: ^(' . ')^

Kirby: (>' . ')>

Kirby: <(' . '<)


Kirby: *screams* *applause* *catcalls*

cool eh?
ultimate alliance for xbox rocks!! thanks for lending me, cheexyn..


18 October 2007
-=the perfect day to die=-

9:30 PM

black comedy
black widow spider
serious black
wow.. seetow has his own patent of jokes


14 October 2007
-=the perfect day to die=-

8:01 AM

... fat people will be the death of me!! apparently some1 complain abt my blog.. anyway..
YAYAYAYAY!!!!! EOYs over.. yesterday after paper went lot 1 watch BOF, TK, werty, TY, ZC, can xiang, brion and I.. on the bus, TK kept doing that stupid open mouth thing out of window.. paiseh..
when we reach lot 1, we booked the tickets and went food junction eat.. then TK ordered peppar lunch and did this: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket..
then came the movie.. it was pointless, lame, 1liner crap..
then after the movie, they polled wat to do next.. then they decided go my house play..
we played and played and played!! DOA2 competition.. everyone was hoping TK wouldnt join their team.. he really sucked at it..
then came halo 2, SC2 and some CS(tk and can cos TK sucked so much at xbox)
lol, it was fun.. glendon, faster get the chalets booked!!


13 October 2007
-=the perfect day to die=-

6:04 PM

wei yuan thhinks stronger's main man was kanye west.. rettarrd, it was daft punk.. it was suposed to be daft punk- harder, better, faster, stronger feat. kanye west, faggot.. get a life, screw ur damned one.. ppl only post on ur blog to flame u, don't bother posting, only edward will bother to read or maybe admitted secret love willa and rachel wang..


09 October 2007
-=the perfect day to die=-

5:38 PM

more lame jokes..
Q: why did TY request to be transfered to the artillery platoon?
A:so he could use the short gun

Q:what is strahan's favourite funfaie ride?
A:the merry-go-round

Q:what is TY's fav bottom-wear?

Q:what do u call TY standing 50 meters far away?
A:a minscule speck or farTY

Q:why shouldn't u regret?
A:it'll make u a regret-fool!!

Q:what do u call bj's armpit
A:a harmpit!

Q:what similarities does her armpit have with Tk's personal motto?
A:onw is harmpit, the other is hump-it!!

Q:what do u call an investigation of a murder commited by fat wei?
A:a hu-done-it

random time:
A:I C U R N S..
B:I M N S?
A:U R N S..
B:Y M I N S?
u gotta read it out in alphabet- pronunciation.

and best, presenting, jone-ass's joke:
Q:what do u call a letter seetow writes?

no prizes for guessing seetow's fav rugby team.. yup, all blacks!!

ok thats all, lame ya?
k, todae was crap, exam easier than expected, especially GOEGG.. i rockk, Yeaa!
and karma is crap.. it is just a couple of phrases slated in a way that makes science, basically laws of physics.. Poo! wat crapp

and seetow's display name is really meaningful.. it is: addicted to bleach..
someone tell him that applying bleach to his skin is harmful and does not make him any whiter(like saoch's room).. it kill skin PIGments (eg. strahan? wei yuan?)...
or worse, is he consuming it? hope not, may pass away. beside, his supposed consumption of bleah may have veen the cause of his shitting for 7 minutes and causing him lose 23 marks for his ji2 jie3 wen4 da2.. poo!! what crap..(oh, the single-handed irony)
chunyang thought of an alternative to FACE.. now is HEAD.. and he nolifed and sent me :"ballyayfaceetimballls".. then i told him:"hut up or u'll have to FACE the music.. and should we ever have a FACE-off, we wouldd have to look FACE-to-FACE"(allnonsense).. then he ended the argument decisivelive and swiftly, with a:"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".. killer.. wat a no-life


-=the perfect day to die=-

daddy-cated to the fat and losers

to the restXD

-one of the better technos/trance-
ALL ABOUT ME!!! *interesting*!
HCI 2O18*yay*
short and unfat

my Xbox
canoeing ppl yay
my razr^^
ALL ABOUT U:)!!(if u aren't stra-size)

FAT PEOPLe who act cool
FAT PEOPLE who are lame
FAT PEOPLE who hate me (nearly all of them)
FAT PEOPLE who stink
FAT PEOPLE who slack
FAT PEOPLE who can't defend themselves and cry when they get disturbed

.)cute TK
.)soccer-mad cheexyn
.)Ang Shi Ren
.)Jeanie Wong
.)Chew Yi Rong
.)poser fats with lame musick
.)poser fat loser
.)1O cb(classblog)
.)<3nyps gep 06<3
